Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Love to write.

I recently realized that my life long passion for writing is going no where. I have written things, and then let them sit there. I on average can have up to, but not limited to, five stories in my head at one time. All with alternate endings, and different possibilities. I have always loved to write, but never thought anything could come of it. I never viewed myself as a writer until recently.
I have decided to finish my most prized possession and possibly look into publishing! It is both scary, and exciting. I never knew how much went into publishing until I stated looking into it. Things like Query letters, agents, editors, and companies all seem to be a lot of chances at being told no.
Regardless of the outcome I will continue to write. My happiest days are the ones that I print out a chapter for my husband to read. His reactions are even enough to make me happy for a week! I recently have been printing out a chapter a day for him.
One day I hope to have the whole world read my stories, but for now it is just him. He counts himself lucky to be the only one privileged enough to read them.
Perhaps he’s just partial to me. :)