I was sitting here wondering about the amazing writers who inspired me to write, and if they had a hard time getting agents and/or publishing. Did Beverly Lewis (author of The Heritage of Lancaster County series http://www.beverlylewis.com/books/38-the-heritage-of-lancaster-county-series), or even J K Rowling (author of The Harry Potter books http://www.jkrowling.com/en_US/ ) sit in the same position I am in now?
Did they ever get rejections, or no response back at all? Were they ever afraid to publish their work? Was it a huge success overnight? Was it ever hard for them? The answer is yes.
In fact, J k Rowling is a perfect example. She got a literary agent and her book ( The harry potter book) was denied by twelve publishing companies! It took about a year before she got a yes.
Beverly Lewis wrote from an early age but didn’t seek to get anything published until her children were all into middle school. Of that, her first work was not an award winning novel, but articles in a magazine.
Most of your favorite authors WERE just like you at some point in their life. Living paycheck to paycheck. Having a day job before their writing career took off. Some of them even on state assistance. Thinking their work, their passion in life, might not be good enough. One thing all great writers have in common is that they never gave up.
You, we, owe it to them to as well to do the same. Never give up when you get denied. Never stop trying to pursue your dreams. Don’t hold on to work in a drawer to nervous to see about publishing.
The worst thing that could happen to you is they say no. Which you are going to get told no. Not everyone is going to like your work.
You are going to send a lot of Query letters. You will research a lot of publishing companies. You will also get published on e day. You just have to keep trying.
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