Tuesday, June 16, 2015


You Know Who You Are,

     Your girlfriend works tirelessly to ensure she is the only one there for you. Your family is at a distance, your children are gone, and your so-called-friends are a serous let down. Have you ever sat there and wondered why that is? Does her voice ring in your head telling you she is the only one who cares? Do you feel as if you would be alone if you didn't have her? Is she REALLY the only one who gets you, or is that what she has made you believe?

     There is a word for what she has done- Manipulation. The definition- to manipulate is to control or influence  (a person, or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously. The definition of psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the perception or behavior of others through underhanded, deceptive, or abusive tactics.  As an overview, there are two things that primarily contributes to psychological manipulation. Concealing aggressive intentions and behavior, and knowing the vulnerabilities of a person well  enough to know what tactics are most likely to be the most effective weapon against them. This is most often accomplished through carefully veiled and subtle acts that are not easily detected by the person.

     Manipulators often have significant disturbances of character such as little to no conscience and sensitivity. They can be deceitful, controlling, compelling, self-conscious, paranoid, enjoys a good fight, holds grudges, and are emotionally unpredictable or numb. They can use tactics similar to playing the victim, shaming, anger, denial, diversion, confusion, evasion, gaslighting (a form of psychological abuse used to manipulation events in order to confuse, and cause a person to second guess themselves and others), lies of omission ( telling the truth but withholding parts in order for something to seem other then what it was),sexual gratification, projecting the blame, loss, and rationalization mostly coupled by guilt tripping to wind up evoking sympathy. 

     As I am sure you have realized that most of that sounds familiar. The type of people they tend to prey on are people who like to see the good in everyone, people who forgive others, and who give the benefit of doubt. The core reason they prefer these people are because they can easily be forgiven using the tactics above. This ensures their place with the one they want to manipulate. When there are other people who influence the person they quickly devise ways to get rid of them. They give things (children, gifts, love, security, ect.) to a person and take it away making the person believe they alone are essential to that persons happiness.

     The more you think about everything the more you will see that you wouldn't of chosen the path you are on now. You wouldn't be where you are now. It explains why you are different when you are in jail, a place she can't get to manipulate your choices. Would you have forgiven anyone else for the things she has done? Who are you when she isn't around? Who are you when she is? Is there a difference? Truly think about it, and make your decision without her input.

     This is your life, and no one else can live it but you.You know deep down inside what she really is. The only thing that has ever stopped you from getting rid of her was because she somehow made you feel like you needed her. As if without her you would have no one, but that not at all true. You will have your entire family back, and most importantly- freedom.

     Don't let her tell you this letter is anything other then what it is. Information is all I am providing you. A true manipulator will try to discredit, or destroy this so you won't believe it. The number one thing a psychological manipulator does is convinces a person of the choice they should make without the person even knowing. Don't let her make your choice about this letter.

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