Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Why do woman "Let Themselves Go"

Woman can be fickle creatures. One of the most confusing things to men is why woman let themselves go after a certain time in a serious relationship or marriage. It confused a man when she no longer shaves, plucks, primps, applies, and pretties herself up. I am here to answer that questions.

In my opinion, as a woman who has "let herself go", I believe it has to do with a few things. The number one reason I no longer actively wear make-up, and no longer do my hair, is because I am no longer searching for male attention. As a woman, we do those things in an effort to rise above the rest of the woman looking for male attention. It can be boiled down to basic animal instincts. It's like a peacock showing how pretty its feathers are so they can gain the notice of a prospective mate.

 As we get into a relationship we no longer need to win the attentions of other men. We also feel secure enough in our position with our man that we actually learn to feel just as pretty without those things as we do when we have it on. This, is all your fault. I say that, because you work very hard to make your woman feel pretty. You compliment her, and build her up to the point to where she no longer feels the need to add to herself in order to be attractive to you. She knows you love her for who she is, and not what she puts on. That alone makes her feel beautiful. Therefore, her need to "look pretty" is gone when she is already pretty to you.

Some other reasons are what is commonly known as: Stay At Home Mom Syndrome.  If your significant other spends the majority of her time at home, then why wouldn't she be in comfortable clothing. No one is going to judge her at home, and there is no good reason to stain her favorite shirt with baby spit-up when her comfy pants and oversized t-shirt are already stained. Comfort at home is a must when you are a stay at home mother. After scrubbing the floors there is no point in nail polish either. Sorry to say, but nail polish is for the girls who don't do dishes multiple times a day, and scrub all the many surfaces. She is lucky if she doesn't have odd shaped nails more often then not.

There is also the fact that shaving, plucking, applying, blow drying, styling, and designing is no longer worth it. The tight restrictive cloths we somehow shimmy ourselves into loose their appeal as well. When we clean, cook, tend to the children, shop, and all the many other things we do, tending to ourselves is longer worth the time and energy. Why would I spend the time making myself appear as something other then what I actually look? Why bother when my family loves me just as I am? Why make myself look different for a man who thinks I'm beautiful as I am? Why waste the time I could be spending doing any other number of numerous things?

I don't need to make myself look better in an effort to attract a man. I don't need to make myself "look beautiful" to feel beautiful. I already feel that way because of my significant other. I no longer need to do any of it, because I don't have a good enough reason to do it. That, in a nut shell, is why woman let themselves go.