I wasn't sure if this website was all I had read about. The fact was that I love to read. I also have an author friend that let me review some his books. That made me realize how much I would love to be able to review books, and even interview the authors who wrote them. That is the main reason I began to google" book reviewer" in the first place.
When I found onlinebookclub.org I was iffy to say the least. After all, I am an inspiring writer and not an official book reviewer. I learned real quick that almost everyone who posts on the forums aren't official book reviewers so to speak. They are regular people who have a love for reading and enjoy writing their opinions on said books.
After a little while I reviewed my first book-Holding Fire. I was nervous about the whole thing. I was hoping that after the first review I might actually be able to be paid to review more books. It wasn't until I read the entire website through that I realized it goes by a certain score.
This score is actually a brilliant idea. They don't want poorly written reviews, and they don't want anyone who isn't actively participating in their website to get money for it. They want professional standards and well written, HONEST reviews. If I paid someone to review a book, or even get a $5-$20 book for free, I would want the same thing. Otherwise it would be a waste of money.
I am currently "up-ing" my score so I can get better access to more books. I can't wait to see what else they might have in store for me. If you have any questions, or want to know how my journey with them is going, feel free to comment below and I will get back to you.
To check them out yourself go:
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