Official review of Guardian OF The Gauntlet by Lenita Sheridan
The Guardian Of The Gauntlet is a story about two sisters who are thrown into a crazy situation which all started with a prince named Denir. These two princesses undergo some strange occurances, due to a mysterious gauntlet, and throughout their adventure they get to encounter even more mysterious creatures.
In my opinion, this story shouldn't be set as a young adult novel, but instead as a children's chapter book geared toward ages 6-13. Both of my daughters enjoyed me reading it to them since the writing came off as someone telling a story vs. experiencing it. The length of the book also compliments that age group over young adults.
This is a great way to teach children to believe in themselves, and that they can do what they set their minds to. I think the basic outline was nice, and if a few things were fixed it could become a very popular book for young children.
For me, the story could benefit greatly from a editor. There were a lot of technical mistakes, and contradicting sentences. In a story of that size, only pertinent information should be explained. There was a lot more stagnation then progress in the story. Then when there was progress, it seemed be over very quickly.
Also, I really didn't not like the promotion for another book half way through the first chapter. "If you wish to read more of ........, and now it's time to get back to the princesses and their castle." It completely broke the story in my opinion. Again, an editor would be able to fix such things for the story to come out in the best way possible.
I had a hard time familiarizing myself with the characters and what drove them throughout the story. They seemed almost flat, which can lead to people feeling like they are horribly shallow. I often felt myself thinking "why" in regards to motivations. The only character development from any of them came at the very end of the book with Camari , and even then it was random. Nothing let up to her change except that she said she had for some reason.
I believe the story has promise. It could become a beautiful story. It is in there, I read it, it just needs to be polished. In my opinion, a writer creates a story, and an editor projects it. Without both coming together this story might not reach the heights it could.
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